Uncle Bob - (2006-06-08, 3:04 p.m.)

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I'm sad to say that this morning we got a phone call and Dave's Uncle Bob passed away this morning. Dave's pretty torn up about it. Apparently he had a seizure last night and just didn't have the strength to recover from it.

Dave grew up helping out on his uncle's farm. He had the opportunity to farm it with his brother Dan for a living, and declined, instead going to school for a while and working on computers. Dan runs the farm right now alone.

Bob taught Dave a lot growing up, and it was hard watching Bob go downhill for him. He has all kinds of stories about working out on the farm as a kid, then as a young man.

It hurts my heart to watch my love cry. Thankfully Dave has a lot of great memories with his uncle, and we were able to spend time with him just a month ago or so at a family supper.

Why does it have to happen all at once???

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