Bag Boys and Checkers from Hell - (2006-06-06, 10:53 p.m.)

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so i went to the grocery store today and the woman at the check out asked me "carry out or drive up?"

ummm...didja not SEE THE BIG BLACK ALUMINUM AND NEOPRENE BRACE ON MY RIGHT ARM? the sock on my right?

i asked her "what do YOU think?"

she let me get drive up.

on another note, my family and i were downtown for first thursday (a local thing) last week, and some random guy walked up to me, poked me in the elbow - right in the incision of course - and asked "whatja dooo to yawr awrm??"

i wanted to beat him with my brace. you don't know me, don't poke me.

good grief. what's FREAKING WRONG with people???

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