A Paaaarrrrrtyyyy - (2005-10-01, 4:54 p.m.)

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I'm going to a paaaaarrrrtyyy, I'm going to a paaarrrrtyyyy!

I swear, my system isn't used to this high of an alcohoic intake, but it has been a heck of a fun time.


Just wish that weirdo Jared guy would not hit on me when Dave's not there. He creeps me out.

Dave is out at the lake shingling the cabin, and I stayed home so that I could do laundry/clean house/etc. but it turned out to be a bigger job than what he thought it was going to be. So he's going to stay overnight again and come home tomorrow morning and then we're going to go riding all day.

Thursday night my friend Aaron (from college) and I went out to a local "high class" bar/club and had martinis. It was fun catching up with him as I haven't had the chance to see him in over a year.

Tonight one of my best girlfriends from high school/college and I are going well, of course to a party. So yeah. Good times.

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