Sunday Riding and Dave's interview - (2005-10-06, 10:33 a.m.)

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So the party on Saturday was a lot of fun. Met some new people and made some new friends. Of course, a couple of beers and some "hot sex" don't hurt either. Jenn had brought a small bottle of this "hot sex" stuff. I didn't realize it was a drink and my girls are all talking about "Have you had hot sex" and I just told them that's not their business. LOL

Sunday was great! We went riding all day long and looked at leaves - they're all turning here so the whole world is bright yellow, orange and red. We drove around the lakes on the bikes and went to Maplewood state park for Leaf Days. Ran into some old friends there who I hadn't seen in a while, so that was good to see them.

I need to take some time today to upload the photos from Sunday's ride too. Hopefully I'll have time.

Dave has an interview at work today for a new job - it sounds like it would be about 2 steps up the ladder for him, so he was pretty nervous about the whole thing when he left this morning. I'm sure he has nothing to worry about as they initially hired him to be a manager anyway, and there was a huge heirarchy change before he started, so he's not manager now anyhow. So who knows? I'm completely confident that he will get it, he's so incredibly good at what he does and he seems to know a lot about everything.

Then tonight we're going to the kiddo's basketball game. :) That's always a good time. Seeing these 11-13 year old girls run around, you can tell that sometimes they're not all that coordinated. Kiddo does pretty well though overall.

That's it, gotta get ready to take a couple of the fur kids to the vet.

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