I got it! - (2003-10-06, 3:06 p.m.)

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it's been a while

Since I saw started

Back doing my thing

And if you wanna know

Why I've been on the low

What you see was me

Getting to know me

And now it's time to see

That I

I've learnd some things

And I've been some places

That I chose to go

And I saw some faces

But I know that's the way life is

And it's time to get back to this

Back to..

Letting all my people know

I'm back and I won't lose track*

I heard some things

Things that weren't true

Supposed to be about me

But I have a dream

And I won't let nobody stop me

I tell you know now

That I'm gonna stay around

And that they can do them

'Cause I'm a do me

And now it's time to see

That I

I've learnd some things

And I've been some places

That I chose to go

And I saw some faces

But I know that's the way life is

And it's time to get back to this

Back to what I love

Ooh, it feels good to be back

And, ooh, how could people think that

That I, I wouldn't get my spot back

And for those who thought that just know

That I'm back to what I love

I got the promotion. I start tomorrow. I'm off the damned phone. I get to do something challenging again instead of just being a body there answering stupid questions and I've just found it hard to contain myself ever since I found out.

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