The Peanut Butter Jar and Calvin - (2003-10-05, 12:32 p.m.)

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Due to lack of time I haven't uploaded the afghan pics (or changed my guestbook yet either) but I will try to do that later this week.

I also need to finish the design that I've been working on FOREVER for her and make one for her. So I'm going to be a busy girl!

I have another cute Calvin story. Last night I slept on the couch because hubby had a few beers and he snores when he's been drinking. I had some peanut butter out of the jar (yes with a spoon because I'm a junkie) and not put the cap back on. I just left it on the coffee table. This morning I went back to bed and Calvin and Daisy were roaming around the house.

I came out into the living room on my way to shower and there's Calvin, nose in the now empty peanut butter jar, and all I could do was laugh! He's going to have a glossy coat for sure from all that protein! He looked so sheepish, I had to call hubby out to look at Calvie, spread out on the floor with the peanut butter jar. with the spoon still in it. He's such a cutie puppy!

That's about all that's going on now--I'm trying desperately to get laundry done because I worked yesterday and I work again tomorrow, but then have Tuesday and Wednesday off, thank goodness!

Thanks for all the lovely guestbook messages. I was thinking that nobody stopped by here anymore!! Guess I was wrong. :) Thanks to each and every one of you for making me feel special. You all made my day!!!

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