I'm Whiny! - (2003-04-23, 11:42 a.m.)

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Good grief I'm tired of feeling like poo all the time. I'm home from work today--trying to break my fever and get rid of the aches and pains. I have no clue what's wrong, but it feels like the flu. However I've been not feeling myself since Saturday.

Dammit, I hate being sick. But it seems that I catch everything that comes along.

When I was a kid, I was pretty sick. My doctor prescribed me antibiotics like they were candy and I was on tetracycline for years at a time. Unfortunately this means that I have little to no immune system as they reassured my Mom that no permanent damage would come from the constant antibiotics.

Whoopsie! Guess they didn't know what they were talking about.

I have tetracycline teeth too. They're partly clear as I was on antibiotics when my adult teeth were forming. It's something that I'm very self consious about, but I don't have the three hundred dollars a tooth that it takes to get them fixed. Well, I guess I could come up with it somewhere but there are bigger priorities right now.

It's a beautiful day outside and here I sit in my house. Yuck.

Dare I say that I would rather be at work? Yes, it's true. I really like where I work, and it's much more fun than sitting at home, which is actually no fun at all. I feel like a slug and all icky since I've been trying to break my fever.

Yes, being out and about would be much preferable to this B.S.

God, I feel so whiny today.

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