Locking for Some Time--Private Entry - (2003-04-27, 11:44 a.m.)

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All weekend I've been caring for poor Calvin and his broken leg.

He's going to be needing surgery to fix and strengthen his leg, so that's going to be an unexpected expense!

Poor little guy...sometimes he falls down and he has to have "Mom's" help to get up again as he's not used to be running around on three legs. He's been being very snuggly and not the active little guy that he usually is.

*thinks to self--I should go take pictures so that I can show you how truly sad he looks and why it breaks my heart*

So yes. It's been crazy around the Katress household once again.

Even though I wanted to do some outside work yesterday and today, being as though Calvin falls over sometimes I have just gotten mostly indoor stuff done. I cleaned the house, got all the laundry done and have been working on some baking things that I'll be able to take to work and eat this week. I'm so incredibly lazy when it comes to stuff like that, I would much rather get something out of the "wheel of death" vending machine that we have at work than put the time into making something reasonable to eat. So I need to change my ways. I found out a way to make some yummy low carb pizzas, so I'm going to do that in "bulk" this afternoon.

Just so you all know, I'm going to be locking up every entry for a while. If I lock the whole thing up, images that I have hosted other places don't show up correctly. Therefore I'm just locking individual entries for now.

I'm still getting a ton of hits from work, so that's going to have to settle down for a while before I unlock all the way again.

If you want to view locked entries, just select "Private Past" on the right top up there. :) That will allow you to view my thoughts.

I should maybe change that around a bit until I unlock again. Yep, I'm going to go do that now.

Happy Sunday!

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