Small Town Life - (2003-04-15, 11:55 a.m.)

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Yeah, I know. Sometimes it's hard to write when I have the day off. But there's something that I've been thinking about and wanted to write about it, so that perhaps I'll be able to work it out better in my head.

Remember high school? How everyone was so concerned about what you wore, your hair, your "popularity" and things that aren't ever going to make a difference in the real world?

Saturday I ended up spending the day and evening with some of my old friends from high school. I have to say, that it's pretty wonderful to see how their lives have shaped up.

Hubby told me that we were going to go for a motorcycle ride with J**, so when I was done with work I came home and was greeted by a fleet of bikes in my yard and driveway. Apparently there was more than just J** that was going to be joining us! It was a group of local small-town people that I had grown up with, and we went for a ride around the lakes area. It was just beautiful, but I'm sincerely glad that I had my chaps and gloves along as the wind coming in off the lakes was fierce!

Later that evening, we all went out for drinks (except for me, who had a drink and then a massive amount of diet Coke) and it was really fun catching up with what everyone has been up to.

When I moved away for college and then moved away when I got married I completely lost track of everyone. I used to babysit J**'s sisters (he's the oldest) and it was always fun over at their house. That was the first "job" that I had ever had, and it was a total and complete blast.

It's interesting though. We come from various different backgrounds, from poor to pretty doggone well-off, divorced families, remarried families, parents that are still together after 35 years. There are those of us that followed the straight and narrow path in high school, those of us that did lots of drugs. But we all turned out okay. We're all pretty happy with where life has led us, and it seems like most of us all have our poop in a group.

Is it the small town mentality? I don't know. But even though we've mostly all had the opportunity to move away, it seems that more young people than not are buying up the homes in my little town faster than anyone else. There's always news of someone who has just bought the latest house that's on the market and has moved in. Usually it's someone around my age (27) or less.

I'm thinking that maybe it has something to do with the way that we grew up. Granted, I live out of town, even out of that town. But I still spent a lot of time there when I was a kid. My Mom grew up about 1/2 mile away from where we all presently live.

And we all came back.

That's food for thought, don't you think?

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