Word from BIL and Sgt. Jason - (2003-04-10, 4:31 p.m.)

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Here here here here and here.

Don't you know I'm not talking about that? My new motto: I talk, I lock.

I'm tempted to read backwards again and see if there's something so incredibly interesting about me that I'm missing???

I've spent most of the day in bed with a migraine. I went to the dr. this morning and got fixed up, but recovery from all that still takes time as the Midrin that I was prescribed from Lt. Hunkle in Quantico just kicks my butt.

The nose spray stuff didn't work for me. Neither did the shots of stuff that they can give you.

This Midrin stuff just makes you numb. Like all over--almost like a tranq I think. I don't know, I've never had one. But I guess it's like what I would imagine a tranq to be like.

The last time I took one was about 7 AM this morning and I still feel just looped!

I used to get migraines a lot when I worked here and had a screamer for a boss.

I hate big men with tempers. My Dad is a huge guy--and is very intimidating if you don't know him. He's like 6'2" 250 and built like a brick shithouse. :) But he's only yelled at me one time that I can think of growing up. Ever. So men that scream make me very upset.

So yes, my boss was a screamer and I had a full time job that took me perhaps a total of 10 hours a week to do it. And that included going back over the past years of misfilings and straightening that out. It was horrible.

I would much rather be overly busy than bored bored bored at work. I finally got sick of seeing his face turn bright red and the veins in his neck swell up and pop out, so I left a letter of resignation on my desk and just walked right on out. It felt great.

So yeah. I had a lot of stress migraines then. It was either migraines or tummy aches that eventually turned into ulcers. Yuck.

Thankfully I've only had a few migraines since we've moved back to the Midwest. They're not fun--but I did find out that my Mom got them too when she was my age.

On a completely different note, my BIL has been keeping in pretty good contact with us. He's calling from an airbase in Northern Iraq. The lines aren't that reliable, but normally we get about 15 minutes to talk. It's so good to hear his voice, and I'm definitely hoping that when he and SIL move back to the states that we can all spend some time together. I'm sure that he's going to have some wonderful stories to tell!

I got a picture from Sgt. Jason today too. He looks like a total bad-ass. I miss him so much.

He said that it's tough to keep sand out of your shorts and boots, and it's so fine that it's like sandpaper. His older son tells people that "Daddy's in Iwak with the camels fighting the bad guys."

I hope to get more news soon.

That's it for today. I should go start getting ready as it's my Dad's birthday tonight and we're all going to do something as a family. I still feel like poop on a stick, so I'm betting it's going to take me longer than normal. Oh well. It's my Dad, you know?

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