- - (2003-04-09, 6:05 p.m.)

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The shit is just getting to deep. I locked all the entries before this, so if you want to read about what's beein truly going on in my life, you'll have to ask me for the password.

Neener neener to all you from work. Shame on you for being here in the first place. Aren't you supposed to be working?

Oh, that's right. Forget about setting a good example for associates. Treat other leaders like crap and then kiss butt to others.

I'm sick and tired of office politics and who said what to whom etc. etc.

I'm tired of passive aggressiveness too.

I've made the decision to go in, do my job and then come home. I have tried so hard to be nice to others and all I get is constantly shit on. Passively, of course. I know when I'm being talked about--I'm not an idiot.

So I'm going to write what I think and there isn't anything that can be done to stop me from writing my true feelings.


I'm also going to add a disclaimer. Isn't that sad that I have to do that?

I'll write more about the good things in life later, but I think those that are here for malicious purposes are going to be awfully bored.

Maybe I should be flattered that some people think I'm this interesting?

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