New Vechicle (?) and I need more sleep - (2003-03-31, 8:35 a.m.)

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Whew, another busy weekend. Scrapbooking, housecleaning and laundry, oh my.

I'm stil upset about those Marines though. The news media took back what they said, so who knows what's really going on.

Go read this. I couldn't have said it better myself, Karen truly has a gift with words. So thanks Karen. You're a wonderful writer. :)

Month end...which means that I have to get all the monthly stuff completed by the end of the day today (yeah right). I doubt it will happen, but you never know. I have so much on my plate most days it seems that I'll never truly get done everything that I need to get done.

I wish for once that I could sleep the night through. Hubby was tossing and turning (war dreams again?) and I kept getting poked in the head and face with his elbow. He has a bad habit of sticking his elbow out to his right when he sleeps, and of course then I get it right in the face/ear/head/whatever happens to be facing him. Of course Daisy HAS to be on the bed as well, so I had no foot room and I had to refill Homer-cat's water dish three different times last night. I felt like I was up half the night! I know for a while I did get up and watch TV as I couldn't fall back asleep. Of course, this was at about 4 AM and I get up at 5:15 AM, so it was almost just worth getting up and staying up, but I didn't.

Perhaps a little medical assistance for sleep this evening in the form of Nytol? Yeah, probably. It's getting pretty old, and my sleep patterns are all messed up. That's what happens when I get stressed. I just hate that, and then of course it turns into a viscious cycle.

On a totally different note, sounds like I'm going to be getting a newer vehicle sooner rather than later. Apparently one of my Dad's friends that I thought retired hasn't, and he's in the auto-salvage business. :) So he has all kinds of connections, and I can probably pick up a slightly damaged Ford Escape, and we can just fix it and repaint it ourselves for $8000 or less. Yay!!! We have the facilities to do it, it's just a matter of being patient and getting everything taken care of with selling Hubby's car and his motorcycle. So yay for a new SUV! I've always wanted one. So has Hubby.

I should get back to work...break is over. *sigh*

Happy Monday!

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