The Four Marines...God Bless Them - (2003-03-29, 1:41 p.m.)

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My Mom just told me that the four people that they had found buried in graves in Iraq were the four Marines that were missing.

They had been executed and dismembered. I hope to God that the events that occurred were in that order.

How would you tell the family of one of those Marines that this is something that had happened to their son???

It makes me want to throw up. Seriously. I'm just disgusted that people could be like that. I mean, I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't people like that in this world, I think it gets to me because that could have been someone that I know. Shit, I could know all four of them. The Marine Corps isn't that big, and most of the people that we knew in Quantico either went to LeJeune or Pendleton, where most of those Marines are from that are over in the Middle East right now.

I just can't comprehend what it would take to do that to another human being. And something else that freaks me out about that is that I know that Hubby would have done the same thing given the chance.

Yes, he still has war dreams. He jokes about them. Sometimes I think that even though I know my husband better than anyone else in this world, that there are parts of him that I would rather not know about. Like the part that could kill another human being without a second thought. I know that he could do it given the right circumstances. That scares me.

My husband is a big teddy bear, but there are parts to him that deep down inside, I know that he would kick the living hell out of somebody that was trying to hurt him, his family or his country. Yeah, he's very patriotic.

Doesn't it go something like "You can take the Marine out of the Corps, but you can't take the Corps out of the Marine."

Jesus, I hope that he doesn't find out about all of this when he's at work.

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