Grumpy Growly Dogs - (2003-03-24, 5:12 p.m.)

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I'm kind of frustrated.

It's mud season, of course. It's tough keeping your house clean. I've given up on the carpeting, as long as it's vacuumed, right now that's enough for me.

My Mom is blaming my dogs for all the dirt that's coming in her house. I had a talk with Hubby this afternoon about it, and he's like well if she didn't invite them in half the time, that would reduce part of the problem. True.

My parents have an older dog, and he's not doing all that great health wise. But he still brings dirt in the house. But you can't point that out, because he's "an old dog." Um, okay. Fine, I can accept that.

I'm just tired of being blamed for her house being what she thinks is dirty/messy/muddy or whatever. It's a house, you're supposed to live in it. It's a fact that when you have pets that it's going to make more cleaning for you.

Instead it's all being blamed on my dogs. Even when they've just had a bath and don't have mud on them...mostly anyhow. It's a house though, and not a museum.

I think that there are hard feelings there because their dog growls at Calvin, even when he comes close to their dog. He was just trying to get by their dog the other night and he totally snapped at poor Calvin. Calvin IS a puppy, and he doesn't understand that their dog is old and doesn't want to play. But that doesn't excuse their dog from growling and snapping at him.

*sigh* I just feel like a scapegoat. I don't appreciate that at all.

In happier news, the dieting website is all up and running. Mostly, anyhow. It's here

Go have a look!

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