What happens now? - (2003-03-20, 9:49 a.m.)

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I feel the need to write something profound, but my mind is blank. I have felt like a zombie since last night when I was sitting in the living room watching the missles explode over in Baghdad. I cried, of course. My thoughts are with the troops overseas, and with their families. I could have been in that situation so easily...sitting at home and watching what's going on and not knowing where my husband is at.

I just don't seem to have the words to get out what I'm feeling right now. I'm trying so hard not to be anxious about it, but I'm not sure that it's working. My stomach is churning and I keep seeing pictures of friends and family that are over there. The Marines that Hubby was stationed with throughout his five years in the service. It's just unfathomable.

Work is just dragging by today. I can't concentrate on what I'm doing, and I'm finding it hard to get anything accomplished at my usual rate of speed. My stomach is churning, and I just don't know what to do with myself. I've walked around somewhat aimlessly a little bit, but that's not helping either. I would really much rather be home with my family.

It's a beautiful day outside, and it doesn't seem like it should be to me.

I was thinking about the term pro-war this morning, and what that means. Who is really pro-war? War is death, destruction and affects so many people. But look at what would happen if we didn't do what we need to do to ensure that our country is a safe one from terrorist attacks? Oh, and those missles that Hans Blix couldn't find, I know where they are. They were fired over the city of Baghdad last night. But of course, Iraq had no missles. Or anything else. What a load of crap.

I feel that what we are doing is a necessary evil. Someone has to take responsibility, and the US, UK and 30 some odd countries are concerned enough to do so. I think that's the honorable thing to do to secure their future as a nation. The support that the US has received has been just tremendous. I just hope that with so many anti-war people lurking around and protesting openly at times that the troops that come home aren't spit on as those that returned from Vietnam were. They deserve our highest respect, and we owe them just about everything that we enjoy every day. Like our freedom. They deserve to have their families taken care of, with sufficient housing, pay and food. Not food stamps and housing that is falling in.

One of the things that I was thinking about yesterday is how the families are coping where the person that was active duty was working two jobs to make ends meet. Obviously they're lacking some income that they relied upon. What happens now?

But that's really the big question now, isn't it?

What happens now?

Semper Fi,


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