We're Doing It - (2003-03-20, 6:59 a.m.)

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Word. That's all I have to say about it. Thank you, thank you for everything that you're doing for your country.

I'm just sick to my stomach. I knew that it was inevitable, but knowing that some of my closest friends and family are over there just makes me want to throw up. I'm terrified for them. It's hard for me to remember that even if something happens to one of them, that we're doing the right thing. They believe that we are too.

I was going to work on my dieter's website last night, but obviously was a bit sidetracked. Mom and I were watching the news in my living room when we saw the sky over Baghdad light up.

Dad and Hubby came inside and we all watched the President's speech.

That's all that I have to say about it today. I just really don't want to be at work today. I want to be at home with my family.

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