Misc. - (2003-03-19, 8:59 a.m.)

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I've got that wonderful high energy rush that you get when you've been on Atkins for a few days. It feels great!

I bought some blueberry muffin mix last night and made the muffins...mmmm! Low calorie too! Tasty with some butter and warmed up in the microwave.

I'm not craving sugar at all, and found out that the grocery store across the street from where I work has a wonderful natural foods section. :) That makes me very happy!!!

Hubby got my computer up and running with the new hard drive last night. I discovered the joys of Kaaza-lite as well. It's so wonderful without all the advertising, and the connection seems to be a lot more steady and faster.

I am going to get a design finished for the group dieting website. I'll email everyone that's interested when I'm done. I think that the design is going to be pretty simple, and we're going to have lots of information, so that will be a good thing. Resources for finding the types of food that some diets require, recipies and the like. Good stuff. Group support always helps me to do my best.

Daisy and Calvin have been huge mud-mongers over the last few days. I've given up trying to keep my carpets clean until it dries up outside. Oh well.

Happy Wednesday!

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