God Watch Over Them - (2003-03-18, 8:16 a.m.)

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Hopefully by the time I get home tonight my computer will have a newer bigger hard drive. Yay! Of course, this means that I haven't had the opportunity to work on a diet website, but I'll get that done as soon as I can.

Yesterday I started the Atkins diet, and I'm already getting that lack-of-carbs energy rush. I love how that feels! Maybe this afternoon when I get home I'll take Daisy for a walk or something and get some excersise. If it's not raining...which it might.

So, in regards to President Bush's speech last night, the only thing I have to say is "word!" I'm glad that he included the part about not starting the oil fields on fire as that was not only dangerous, but it is a major source of income for Iraq. If they're going to shuffle government like that they're going to be needing the income. So yes, I was pleased. And scared.

My BIL. God love him. He's going right into the middle of things from the sounds of it. When I spoke to him on the phone this weekend it was the first time that I've ever really heard fear in his voice prior to a deployment. Generally he's down for whatever. He always tells me "That's why they pay me the big bucks." Yeah. Um, BIL, I know what you make. It's not a lot.

Anyhow, I'm concerned for him. And of course J**** who is now on the Iraq border and D*** who is still training in Colorado, but is on his way. God watch over all the soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

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