The Diet Begins - (2003-03-17, 6:40 a.m.)

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It was a busy weekend. I wanted to get started with the diet website that I was talking about last week, but with everything going on, that didn't happen. Neither did the laundry, but hey. It happens.

I spoke to my BIL (Toby) yesterday for a while. He's back from Romania and soon to be deployed again. Our friend is currently on the Iraq-Kuwait border, and all that he told me was "I'll be in just a leeeetle bit closer than that. Like a lot." His location again is going to be classified. *sigh* I got the impression that he's a little nervous about this one. And my BIL just doesn't get like that. It's kind of scary...

Hubby's bike did great in the bike show. I mean, it was in a competition class where he had no chance of winning anything as we don't have $30,000 to put into a bike, but it did look great. And that's what matters. :) He rode it home yesterday and said that it felt wonderful!

So, this evening's plans consist of working on getting the laundry done, continue fighting the mud war in the house, and get that diet webpage up and running.

I start my Atkins diet today. I cooked up a storm (well, for me anyhow) last night and for breakfast I have hard boiled eggs and turkey bacon. For lunch I have egg salad, an Atkins chocolate bar -- YUMMY! -- and sugar free jello. For supper who knows yet what I'll have. Probably turkey or roast beef or something like that. I'm hoping that I'll have more energy, prevent myself from becoming Type II diabetic like I'm well on my way to becoming, and lose weight.

I'll let you all know how it goes. By tomorrow I'll expect that I'll be a bit cranky as I love my toast/sandwiches/muffins etc. But the results WILL be worth it, right?

Happy St. Patricks Day!

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