Dieting website! - (2003-03-14, 9:39 a.m.)

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I'm going to do it.

A dieting website. A group participation situation, if you will.

If you're interested in joining me in my dieting quest, please let me know and I'll set something up this weekend. :) I'm excited!

I even found a great picture with a woman in undies with a tape measure. I want to put together a design and get everything up and running on Saturday evening.

I'm so excited!

On a completely different note, we're getting Hubby's Harley ready for the bike show this weekend. He was out in the shop cleaning away last night, and we're going to get the bike loaded up into Dad's truck tonight and haul it into town. It's still to cold to ride it in, as the temps are only going to be in the 40's today. But that's like summer to us already!!!

I'll make sure to take pictures and post them once I have the opportunity to do so. Hubby's bike does look really great. He's put a ton of work into it, and the results I think are so worth it.

Anyhow, back to work. Break is over!

Happy Friday all. Don't forget to let me know if you want to participate in the dieting site. Just go over there to your right and sign away. :)

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