Tax refund and new website? - (2003-03-13, 7:41 a.m.)

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I was thinking last night as I started reading the Atkins Diet book again.

I should put together a dieting website that is accessible to people so that we could have an online support group. I have a cute idea for a design, and I think that it would be so incredibly good for me to be sharing my progress and have someplace to whine about how I cheated. *ahem*. Sharing recipies would also be a wonderful idea too!!!

Any thoughts on this???

In other Katress news, we got our taxes back last night. Holy crap! I'm thankful for the student credit, for certain!!!

It was almost $2400.

So, once we get all this month's bills paid and set some aside for Sturgis this summer, Boston here I come! New(er) vehicle, here I come, downpayment in hand.

I was thinking about a personalized license plate last night and came up with "2LGDOGS." How appropriate! Hubby's is "MARINE1" and it's actually gotten him out of speeding tickets.

Not that MY husband would actually speed. *cough*

Yes, a diet website. I'm going to have to think about that. :)

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