A New Diet - (2003-03-12, 9:03 a.m.)

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My doctor's appointment was a surprise yesterday.

He wants me to try "The Zone" diet. Reduced carbs etc. So, I guess I'll have to go to the grocery store and start that all beginning next Sunday or Monday.

I've done the Atkins diet before, and the weight all came back with reinforcement pounds, so I'm a little concerned about that.

My Dad is diabetic, so I will be able to get some ideas on good low-carb meals and some good shakes and meal bars or something.

My goal weight is 140. I felt great when I was about that weight, so HOPEFULLY I should be able to get back down there, medication or no medication!

That's 35 pounds. That's a lot of weight to lose. *sigh*

My doctor said that I should be able to achieve my goal by June. I hope so...otherwise I'm not going to be very cute in a swimsuit!

Ever tried this diet? Ever done the Atkins diet? Were you successful? Tell me about it!

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