- - (2003-03-07, 2:11 p.m.)

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Okay, today is officially as bad if not worse than yesterday. I got this email from Hubby:

I think I might have good news, and then again I think I might have bad

news. I just saw online that they are offering the Circuits course during

the summer like I wanted. The only problem is that since we got and extra

week off this Christmas, there is an extra week added on to summer school.

It now ends on August 8th. I'm going to talk to the professor that will be

teaching it and see if maybe I can still do it, but I doubt it. I know that we will both need the Sturgis vacation by the time it gets here so I don't think cancelling that so I can go to school is a viable option. We'll just have to see what happens.

Just fucking great. That's wonderful.

And I'm about going to cry again.

I just feel so unwanted and like nothing is going right for me at all. It's just more and more and more and I'm starting to think that I just can't take anymore.

My anxiety is going through the roof, and I feel as close to panic as I used to before I started taking medication.

I'm thinking about taking a personal day tomorrow because I'm having a hard time dealing right now. Somehow diaryland doesn't even feel all that friendly to me today either. For reasons that I'm not going to get into.

I need to be home where hopefully I have a bit more control than anywhere else. I want to go hide under the covers and snuggle my face into Homer's soft little tummy and hear him purr. I'm getting a stress headache, even.

I gotta get out of here.

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