Another perspective - (2003-03-06, 6:42 a.m.)

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Well, I certainly got a lot of feedback about yesterday's topic...some good an some bad.

Please understand that I don't think anyone I read regularly here is ignorant. Hardly!!! I love to read intelligent thoughts and about different perspectives, and from what I've seen most Diarylanders (at least the ones that have me as a favorite and I have as favorites) are intelligent, well-informed and sometimes a bit snarky! I just love it.

War is bad. I'll never say differently. But sometimes there is no right answer. You just have to choose the lesser of two evils. Thoas that I know that are in the military joined knowing what they were going into, and the possibilities that their choice could lead to. Being away from family, friends and loved ones for months at a time.

The casualties of war aren't necessarily just those that go off to war. There are people that are left behind. The child that won't see his father or mother for a year and maybe even won't recognize them when they come home. The spouse that is left having to become totally self-sufficient. The girlfriend/boyfriend that was deep into a relationship that had to put the brakes on it really quickly. The mothers and fathers that are up nights because they can't sleep worrying about their child.

I'm not trying to be dramatic here. I know that all of the above is all to true. I've seen all of it with my own eyes. I've hugged so many people and told them that I understand that it makes my heart hurt. Especially since just about every reserve unit in the state of ND and Northern MN has been activated. Even my husband was about two weeks away from signing paperwork to join the 142nd Engineering Btn. when they got orders to go.

He didn't sign the paperwork.

He decided to finish college instead.

Today I'm videotaping a message to a friend of mine that's in the 142nd. I'm kind of anxious about it, because it's hard to be so personal when you know that there are literally hundreds of people that are probably going to see the tape, but I'm doing it for him. He deserves no less than that.

Got an email from SIL last night. She still doesn't know where BIL has been deployed to, but she got a letter from him and I guess all is well. I'm sure it's going to be an interesting story when he comes home.

I just want everyone to come home safely.

That's all.

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