Finally, my Saddam View - (2003-03-05, 6:56 a.m.)

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There are two things that I want to think about today in here.

First: war preparations.

I've touched on this before a little bit, but with one of my closest friends leaving tomorrow for the Iraq/Kuwait border, it's been on my mind A LOT. There is some kind of national walkout on college and high school campuses today. We have three big colleges in town and I know that there's going to be war protesters all over the place.

It makes me want to choke them.

"No blood for oil!"

Excuse me? First, if we were in it for the oil, we would have taken it in Desert Storm. Secondly, do you know who our biggest importer of foreign oil is?

Nope, guess again.

Nope, not that either.

It's Canada. We get most of our oil from Canada. Like a ratio of three to one.

College isn't the real world for most students. It is for some, but for a lot Mommy and Daddy are helping to pay for it (yes, guilty as charged on that one) and often times college professors are really liberal. How can you have a realistic view of the world if you don't know about both sides? You can't. It's not possible. And most college students are so buried in homework that they don't have time to watch the news or read the newspaper. Not that that's the best ideal either, because most of the media is very slanted to the left.

It's offending me, that these people that don't know the whole story are having this big walk out today. I want to drive by and tell them that they need to welcome themselves to the real world. Saddam is gassing his people, performing horrible human experiemnts. Just like that guy, what was his name? Oh, HITLER! That's the one. Yeah. Some of the pictures that I've seen have made me cry.

They are not going to support the military. *ahem* Yes, even though the military fought to give them the right to freedom and choice. Not having to live in a communist society. Not having slavery. But the military is still wrong, you know?

It just gets me all worked up.

Now I'm not saying that it's America's job to be the "World Police." It's certainly not. But can you honestly say that you think what Saddam is doing to his people, and when he has the capability to do so, other nations around him and eventually the rest of the world if he was able to do so, okay? Would YOU like to be gassed just because someone didn't agree with what your beliefs are? That's what he's doing to his people.


I don't even want to talk about what I was thinking of before. I know that I'll probably have some agree with me, and some disagree, but that's okay. This is MY place. If you don't like it, click that 'lil old "x" in the corner.

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