Sleepy, Daisy and whatever else - (2003-03-04, 10:38 a.m.)

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It's so cold today! This morning Daisy was all cuddled up on the couch (where she's not supposed to be unless she's invited, but I guess she sleeps there every night anyhow) under the blanket. What a baby!

I walked over to the garage to get my car and the snow was squeaking underneath my shoes. My nose froze inside too. That's when you know it's REALLY COLD!

So, with regards to my weight gain, I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday. For God's sake, I need to get this all figured out. It's ridiculous the weight that I've gained. I don't want to be super-model slim, I just want to be able to fit into my clothes again. It's frustrating, and there's no reason for it!

I admit to watching "Married by America" last night. Not to the end though, because I had other things to do. Like shower and go to bed.

I want to start work again tonight on my domain. At least get a main page up and perhaps some other stuff. Of course, that means that I have to go through all the digital camera pictures and sort them out by what they were and who they were of. That shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it will take some time.

Hubby has started studying for midterms already. His dedication amazes me...I couldn't have done the amount of studying he does when I was in school. He complains about his Psych/Social classes though as he's expected to know the lecture material AND the book material. Um, yeah. That's how all my classes worked.

I'm hungry. Must eat more crackers that are low-cal and fat free. Yes, that's my lunch plus some Yoplait yogurt that's fat free.

See, I'm eating healthy!

That's about all for today. Besides the fact that I'm really tired and see a nap in my future when I go home. Sunday night is finally catching up with me...


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