Hair Color, Snow and New Design - (2003-03-03, 9:41 a.m.)

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It's snowing here again. Of course, that means the end of the mud war for a few days at least. Which is a good thing as I cleaned carpets this weekend. My house sparkles, I swear!

Last night we went out to a local restauraunt that has this beer tour thingy, and Hubby's been working on that. He's got about 16 down, and however many left to go. I told him that I would drink all the "fruity" stuff for him, since I like that stuff the best, and some of the local microbrews as he's not a big fan of those either.

I had something new last night called Sublime Raspberry/Lemonade. It's now my new favorite. Not that I'm a big drinker or anything, but it's nice to have something every now and then.

Hopefully my doc will call me back today with some more information as to why I've gained so much weight over the last six months. 40 lbs in 6 months is just a whole freaking lot. Especially when I'm eating better than I ever had before (read -- NO fast food) and making sure that I get my calcium and the right amount of servings of everything. So yeah. Something is wrong, and I'm probably going to just start to cry if he tells me that I just need to diet. Screw that -- I've been DOING that! Plus excercise and I'm still gaining weight.

On a happier note, I go to get my hair highlighted again tonight. I'm so happy about that. It's been way to long and it looks pretty tacky right now. My grey is showing up so badly that it looks like I have grey highlights! Yuck! I want to get red and blonde highlights again as I really like how that looks. Preferrably more red than last time as it looks pretty snarky, and I'm all about snarky lately.

I also managed to get the whole design for my designs site done. So I'm a happy woman. I want to start work on my domain this week. That's not something that I'll link to from here as I value my privacy, but if you want the name and email me and I know you, I'll give it to you. Let me know if you want it.

That's all for today. I have to go get back to work. Break time is over!

Happy Monday!


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