I'm in a mood...and odd mood - (2003-02-20, 8:54 p.m.)

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This is a very bizarre thought, but on my way to work today I saw what I think was an old vacuum cleaner hose laying on the highway.

It makes you wonder where some of this road garbage comes from. Really--did someone have their vacuum cleaner strapped to the roof of their vehicle or hanging out of the trunk, and it just so happened that the hose part fell off?

And shoes. Often times I see shoes by the side of the road. Never a pair, always just one. What did that poor shoe do to offend it's owner so that it was separated from it's mate? Was someone putting their shoes on their feet and waving them out the window on their hands? Did someone pitch it out the window accidentally? Why would you do that in the first place?

Maybe I notice road garbage more because I ride on the Harley a lot. Not recently of course because it's freaking cold here, but in the summer time. Of course, then there's no snow to cover all the road garbage and in the spring you can see the accumulation.

The strangest thing I think I've seen was part of a sectional in the middle of the interstate...right before someone hit it and sent the battered thing careening into my car.

Yeah, I was pissed.

But in the first place how could you not notice that you had lost a portion of your couch as you were driving down the road?

I ponder things like this.

On a bit more morbid of a note, even roadkill varies from place to place. Often around here we have turtle, rabbit and raccoon road debris. When I lived in DC we had woodchucks. I had no idea what those funny looking things were at first...and in the South there's iguana, aligator/crocodile etc. Just more regional difference, I guess.

Perhaps I've spent to much of my life in the car?

Or maybe I just have the luxury of having nothing of importance on my mind and can think about strange things like this.

Maybe it's just PMS. That's the option I'm putting my money on as I've had three cupcakes tonight. But the were mini-cupcakes at least, right?


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