Sunshine, Snuggles, etc. - (2003-02-19, 4:48 p.m.)

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It's beautiful and sunny outside today in the lower 30's. Yes, that is downright balmy for us in Minnesota. The snow is all melty so of course Daisy and Calvin were just absolutely messy when they were finished playing outside this morning. That's partly my fault though, I spent some extra time on the treadmill and just left them out to play.

I've gotten to the point where when I'm working out I actually get that good euphoria feeling. I'm not a runner, but perhaps I will try to become one eventually. When spring comes I'll have to give it a try. I'm just kind of scared because I have bad knees.

I don't really have all that much on my mind today. I've been having some crazy dreams at night, I think it may be from the Effexor. I was having a hard time settling down to sleep last night, but a piece of peanut butter toast and a backrub with lavender baby lotion did the trick, as well as a snuggly German Shepherd on one side and a cuddly tabby kitty on the other.

Did I ever mention that Homer's tummy smells like dryer sheets? I love that smell! But I have no idea why he smells like that. Strange. But I love to bury my face in his tummy and snuggle him. He loves it, he curls his toes up and cuddles me back.

I have some designs that I want to start working on for custom requests, but working the funny shift that I do sometimes that's kind of tough this week. Hopefully I'll get more finished this weekend. I'm planning on cleaning the house on Thursday night and Friday morning, so I won't have all that to do this weekend. Perhaps I can get more designing done than I expected. I want to do a new one for my Designs Site but I haven't been able to figure out what I need to do to get the mouseover effects going in html. Hmmm. Must email Hillary and ask. :)

That's it, I should get back to work.

Oh, before I forget too, go leave some love for Miranda as she just found out that her husband is going to be deployed. Tell her how proud you are of her and her family for supporting the USA!

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