Help, I've been SPAMMED! - (2003-02-21, 11:57 a.m.)

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Well, I've finally decided to change my hotmail address. The last time I checked my email account was last night at around 8:30 PM. This morning at 11 AM I had 81 junk mail messages! That the junk mail filter didn't filter out. My goodness.

So I'm in the process of switching over everything and adding all the addresses back into the new account. I wish there was a faster way to do it because this is taking for freaking ever. But it had to be done.

Hubby and I were actually using the address that he had set up when he was over in Okinawa, Japan. I would guess that this email address is around 6 years old at the very least. So of course we were getting a TON of junk email.

I need to start not entering my diaryland email address online either in people's guestbooks...that seems to be generating a ton of spam too.

Don't these people realize that everyone finds Spam a nusiance?

NO, I don't need an escort, even though I'm asked via email about three times daily.

NO, I'm not going to get your help to lose weight, thanks very much. I don't think so.

NO, I don't need to learn how to make money on E-Bay. I'm doing fine by myself, thanks.

NO, I don't need to enlarge my penis size/breasts/just about anything else you can think of. I don't even have a penis.

It just baffles me sometimes the things that are offered via spam. Isn't the return rate something like less than 1/2 of 1%?

Makes you wonder about those that actually respond. They must think that the email is geared specifically for them. Poor things.

I just feel the need to run around and sing the Monty Python Spam song.

*Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam...*

Good grief.

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