Snow, Joe Millionaire and a Party - (2003-02-18, 12:13 p.m.)

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My goodness, what a night!

One of our friends had a birthday party at Old Chicago last night, so we went there so Hubby could work on his "Around the world beer tour." They have this deal set up and you can choose 100 beers and once you've drank a sample of them all you get this really nice sweatshirt. Personally I just think it's a guy thing, but I told him that I would drink the "girly" stuff for him. I love me some Leinenkugels beer, so I'm doing all those for him. Plus the fruity stuff like I mentioned--Smirnoff Ice, Mike's hard Lemonade, etc.

I finally got the chance to watch Joe Millionaire this morning. What a sweet ending! I was totally just all "awww" sitting on the couch with Daisy and Homer. I was surprised, and it totally wasn't a trashy ending like I had expected.

Me. Addicted to a reality television show. How sad. I never thought I would have been one to get addicted to that stuff. Oh well.

It's snowing here. I bet we've gotten about four inches or so. But remember, I'm from Minnesota where it's no big deal. :) The only problem is that it's all powdery snow and it's pretty windy (so what else is new) so it's creating kind of ground blizzard conditions out in the country by my house.

Eh, it's daylight so I'm not all that worried about it. If it gets worse I can always just a) stay in town tonight with friends or b) go home anyhow and say screw it, it's only 6 miles out in the country and I have a cell phone.

Normally I just opt for b.

Gotta get ready to go to work! Happy Tuesday!

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