Medication Twitches, more Snow for DC - (2003-02-17, 2:48 p.m.)

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Hmmm. Forgot to take my meds yesterday and am suffering the after-effects.

It feels like someone has hooked up electrical wires to my body and every few moments they zap me one.

I feel tingly and just not all that comfortable. Trust me, it's not a good feeling at all.

For some reason I also have an almost uncontrollable urge to twitch. I feel like a Tourette's victim must feel without all the spontaneous vocal outbursts and swearing.

Note to self: DO NOT forget to take medication, even for one day!

Other than that, it's been a pretty okay day. The temperatures are higher, the snow/dirt mixture is slowly melting and you can't even tell that I did all the steam cleaning that I did as early as this morning. We make it a habit to wipe off doggy paws as they come in the house, but I think that my efforts are all in vain. *sigh*

It's been a busy day here, with all the airport closures and flight cancellations. Hubby spoke to a friend of ours this morning who lives in Fredericksburg, VA and he said that he had a foot of snow in his driveway that he still had to go shovel. That's a ton of snow for them there. To us it's not that big of deal, but they're just not equipped to deal with it there. Plus the traffic...and the drivers that don't know how to drive in the snow can add up to some ugly accidents.

I heard that they were ticketing drivers in the Baltimore area if they were caught driving at $1,000 a pop. That's just nuts. What's that important that you need to get out of the house so badly? I'm just at a loss to understand that.

I bet our former "home sweet base" in Northern VA is closed too. It takes quite a bit for them to close that down, but I bet they did.

Oh well.

I'm going to get back to work and try not to twitch to much. I think it's scaring my co-workers. I hope that it passes soon too.

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