The Muddy War - (2003-02-15, 12:03 p.m.)

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A new spring type guestbook design. Pretty nice, I think. For some reason I've been on this blue, yellow and white kick. I got a new quilt for the guestroom--I give up on the bed-in-a-bag things. They always fall apart on me. That too is blue, white and yellow. :) I've even been dreaming about it for some reason. ???

I'm fighting the mud war at my house this weekend. We have just a few inches of snow, but it's been so windy that the soil from the fields has been all mixing up with the snow and making black snow. It's pretty gross.

We have black dirt here. Truly like what you find when you open a bag of soil at Home Depot or wherever. It's black and sticky because it has a lot of clay in it. Even the county that I live in is named "Clay."

Needless to say with this sticky black soil mixed in with the snow and having two dogs and four cats, well...I bet you can imagine what my light carpeting looked like. So I've had the steam cleaner out yet again and have been slowly going through room by room as I do my weekly housecleaning and steaming the hell out of the carpets.

I even have muddy footyprints on my pillow in bed! Which reminds me, I have to wash the bedding too because it's full of mud.

I can't wait until this all dries up! Not only that but Hubby is kind of a clean fanatic about the cars. He would take a toothbrush after the outside, I swear. It's great to have a clean car, but around here for 9 months out of the year it's pretty tough.

Oh well. Better get back to that carpet steamer. It's not going to clean by itself. Although it would be really cool if it did. :)

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