Cranky - (2003-02-13, 7:30 a.m.)

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I think every single day this week I've come to work with a stain somewhere on my clothing. Monday I managed to squirt raspberry filling from a doughnut on my lap. Tuesday I had a small stain on a wool sweater that I haven't worn yet this year. Wednesday I noticed a small stain on my chenille sweater that I'll have to wash out. Today when Calvin followed me over to get my car out of the garage so he could have a short ride. I didn't notice when he jumped on me that he had muddy paws! So now I have pawprints on my pants.

And I have to say, they're quite noticable. And I have a client meeting today.

Wonderful. Really.

Hubby is super crabby as he had his last test last night and he came home and was obsessing that he thinks he got some answers wrong. I guess he hasn't gotten far enough into his college career to realize that sometimes you're going to fail.

I missed graduating cum laude by 1 100th of a GPA point. It happens. I also have an F on my transcript. It's not the end of the world.

There's also a very frustrating situation going on at work.

But of course I'm not going to write about it here, as someone from work might copy and paste it to forward to my boss. Good grief. It's not like I can't narrow down who it is just by going into stats and doing a little research! But I would never confront them on it. I'm just not confrontational. Besides, it's just not worth the drama.

Anyhow. So I'm kind of crabby today. It happens, I guess. I know I'm crabby and PMSing because I passed by a box of doughnuts when I went to pick up a free diet Dr. Pepper at a convenience store this morning and "had to have them." Shit, I'll probably eat them all by the end of the day.

I hope your day is going better.

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