Sock Chewers and Squabbling Kitties - (2003-02-12, 9:20 a.m.)

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My dogs are too funny. We gave them a pair of socks tied together in the middle and they have just gone nuts with this. However now Calvin puppy thinks that he can just hijack my socks.

I'm the type of person that loves to run around barefoot in the house. I even take my shoes off at my desk, and occasionally am running around my office in just sock feet. So my socks kind of scatter throughout the house because I get distracted and forget to put them in the laundry hamper.

Calvin however is taking care of this problem. He chews on them, and then I have no more socks. I guess it will teach me a lesson!

Hercules and Chester had a huge fight in the living room last night. They woke the whole household up and this morning there's a bunch of white cat fur all over the living room floor. Herky just gets after Chester all the time, and he's just not all that happy in our house.

Don't get me wrong, I love him to pieces--he's my bathroom kitty. He sleeps in the sink, on top of the cupboards in the bathroom and lays in the shower. He loves it. He snuggles by my feet on occasion and will sit on my lap underneath the blankets. But Herky just won't let him be.

I have to figure out something. She offered to take Chester as her daughter LOVES him, and he's just attached to their whole family, but they're 9 hours away. The whole thing is just breaking my heart and I feel awful about it. I'm desperate for a solution!!!

*sigh* At least I know that he would go to a good and loving home, but the poor thing has been shuffled around a bit already.

I'm just at a loss.

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