It's COLD! - (2003-02-10, 6:49 a.m.)

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It's damned cold here today. Which just makes me smile, as she was complaining last night about 20-30 degrees above zero. It's so cold here right now that the snot freezes in your nose in a matter of about a minute and a half when you're outside! It's actually cold enough that it can't snow here. I don't know the physics behind that, but it's true.

And that deal about throwing a boiling pot of water outside and that it will freeze before it hits the ground? Yep, we can do that here every winter.

We're at about 20 below F right now. Windchill? I have no idea. Suffice to say that it's freaking cold and once it gets so cold there really isn't that much of a difference in perception. It's just a matter of how fast the skin on your face will freeze.

I've frostbitten my ears and fingers before. That's not fun. I did that when I lived on campus in college and had to walk about three blocks to the Psych building from my dorm. Not fun stuff kids, let me tell you. It really hurts to frostbite anything, especially your fingers!

We have something calld "block heaters" here for our cars. So that plug sticking out from underneath my hood is not because my car is electric. LOL It's to plug in part of the engine so that it will actually start in the morning.

When we lived in Virginia/Washington DC people would always ask me about that. It's something that I grew up with, so I didn't think of it as unusual, but I guess it just baffled some of our neighbors and friends as to why the E****s have plugs on their cars. Heh.

Yeah. So it's pretty cold here. I'm thankful that I have a husband and assorted pets to keep me warm at night.

Homer literally slept ON my head last night, so I'm thinking he must have been pretty cold too. I know he's cold when his little kitty toes are cold on my face and neck, but they warm up pretty quickly. He and Simon wanted to be under the covers last night, so that's a good indication that they're cold too.

How is it where you're at? :)

Happy Monday!

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