Nothing Much To Say - (2003-02-08, 4:53 p.m.)

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My tummy seems to be on strike. Since we went grocery shopping last night (yes Friday night, I'm soooo entertaining) I bought some bran cereal in hopes that it will help, but so far, nothing. I'm not going to get any more graphic than that, but I'll just say it hasn't been a fun last few days. Yuck.

I got the entire house cleaned today. Not just a surface clean so that my house just appears clean, but a true super clean. Hubby even shampooed all the carpets for me. What a sweetie.

We're having a couple of his co-workers over tonight for movies and beer. Should be lots of fun. Tyler and Jenn are coming for certain, and I really enjoy both of them. Just wish Tyler's wife was coming with too as she and I get along quite well.

Hmmm, what else?

I bought some diet cherry Coke at the grocery store too. Mmmmm, didn't even know that they made that! It's wonderful stuff. :)

Eh, I just don't have anything to talk about today.

Happy Saturday!

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