Work, Trash TV and Icky Tummy - (2003-02-06, 12:37 p.m.)

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I was feeling pretty blah last night and this morning and had icky tummy, but I'm feeling better now. It's something that's been going around the office a bit, so hopefully this is the end of it.

I slept for most of the evening last night as Hubby was at work, so it was just me. It looks as though it will be that way again this week as he has a test this evening. My professors never had tests in the evening, but apparently it's pretty common where he goes to school.

Who am I kidding though, when I was in college nobody brought their computers to class and took notes on them, we used the old fashioned notebooks! LOL

So it's me and the animals tonight. I think I'm going to tape Friends/Scrubs and watch that Michael Jackson special. It promises to be nice and trashy! I don't know why I've been into trash TV so much lately, perhaps it's that I get so burned out at work that I can't handle any sort of mental stimulation when I get home. That's a distinct possibility.

I don't have to come in until 9:30 tomorrow. Yay! And I'll be done at 2:30. Too bad we're not allowed overtime, but I really could use the sleep anyway.

Happy Thursday!

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