Miscellaneous - (2003-02-05, 9:32 a.m.)

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Goofy Calvin just cracks me up. He's so funny, and he's really smart. He's picking up on things so fast it's just amazing to me.

Daisy for some reason slept on the couch last night rather than snuggled up with me. I think she's having an attack of jealousy. She got up when I went out into the living room though this morning and wanted to be petted. Who knows what is going through her mind. She's so jealous that at times she's just obnoxious! But I love her still. She's a good girl.

It's damned cold here today. I'm wearing one of Hubby's sweatshirts--the one that he got for Christmas that I have to find when he's at work to wash as it's usually ON him. This one and the one that he got from his brother and SIL. This one is super soft and it smells like him of course, so I'm just cozy as can be today.

I think I'm finally going to step into the 21st century and put a new hard drive into my computer. With all the designing and font downloading that I do (I'm a font junkie) I'm running out of room. So I'm going to Best Buy, as much as I hate them, as they have a 60 Mg on sale this week for $60. I think I'm going to go get it. My Adobe True Type program keeps crashing, so I know it's time to do something about it. I've got some spyware software on my computer also, and just haven't taken the time to get it off. Plus there's God knows what else on there that hasn't been used forever, so it's time to do some house cleaning.

I really don't have anything all that profound to talk about today.

I think the cold might be affecting my brain cells or something as I haven't much to say at all lately.

Oh well, with where I live I guess that's to be expected. Plus I've been super busy at work and that's just draining some days. I get home and all I want to do is sit on the couch with a good book and read for a bit. I'm running out of books. I have a wish list, but no money to buy anything. It happens, I guess when you have a spouse that's in school. And a mortgage. And car payments. And motorcycle payments. And credit card payments. Need I go on? Probably not as it's depressing.

I can't wait until Hubby's done with school. He's so stressed out right now as all his tests are on the same days throughout this semester. He studies like mad and just doesn't get enough sleep. I worry about him when he's like that.

When he's done with school he'll be making some big money once he gets a job which around here is easy in the Electrical Engineering field, and the starting pay is around $45,000 without the cuts that you get for the projects that you're working on. Around here that's a lot. Cost of living is low here.

Anyhow, back to work.

Happy hump day!

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