Puppy Training and Joe Millionaire - (2003-02-04, 7:03 a.m.)

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My new puppy Calvin just cracks me up. He crawled on the couch last night and wanted to play with Daisy. On the couch. On top of me. Yep, that didn't last long!

He also wanted to go out when I left this morning. It's been really cold and Hubby cleaned out my car top to bottom and hand washed it in the shop this weekend, so I've been parking in my Mom and Dad's heated garage, and just hiking over there in the morning. It's just lovely to get into a nice warm car that's at 60 degrees when it's below zero outside. So when I left Calvin followed me down the driveway all the way to Mom and Dad's. He wanted to go to work with me I guess. Or maybe just for a ride? So Hubby waited outside while I stuffed Calvin into the car and drove him back to our house.

I think it kind of hurt Hubby's feelings as Calvin is supposed to be "his" dog. But Calvin is so freaking cute that it's almost impossible to be mad at him for more than a few minutes.

Okay, a minute at the most.

He's getting better about letting us know when he wants to go outside too, which is a relief. My poor carpet cleaner is going to need a good cleaning itself when this potty training is all over and done with!

So I watched Joe Millionaire last night and painted my fingernails and toenails. I love being all girly sometimes. Who do you think he's going to pick? I like Zora the best, she seems to be the most realistic. And she seems to have moral values--she broke her promise to herself that she "wasn't going to kiss him" while on the other hand Sarah is just gettin' it on with him out in the woods. Whatever...

God, I feel like such white trash admitting to liking that show! *sigh* Oh well.

Better get started on work...there's lots of stuff to do today!

Happy Tuesday!

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