Jewelery, Stains and Puppies oh My! - (2003-02-03, 6:58 a.m.)

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What a weekend. Puppy now has a name. Hubby decided that "Calvin" fits his personality. Thanks to Jen for the suggestion. And many, many others. :)

Calvin is a busy guy. He loves to play and bark when you're trying to sleep. I tried to take a nice long relaxing bath last night only to have a puppy barking in my face while hanging his huge paws over the side of the tub. Needless to say the bath was about anything but relaxing...

He's a pretty smart little cookie though. He already knows sit, and we're teaching him come here and of course no barking! He loves to chew on Daisy, and once she's had enough she escapes to the couch or to the bed. Hubby says that he's not going to allow Calvin on the couch or bed (yeah right) but for now he's to little to actually jump up there. So that's good for Daisy. Hopefully by the time he's not to small to do that he'll have settled down enough so that he won't think he has to chew on her all the time. She's so patient!

I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome my very best friend back to diaryland also. Here she is! I made her design for her last night and I'm pleased with how it turned out. She's Italian, so the titling is all in Italian.

Got the Valentine's day present from Hubby early too. Some beautiful diamond and gold hoops that I had been coveting at the jewelery store where I was working part time. I was in there on Friday to pick up my wedding set and my aquamarine ring that had been sized and was looking to see if the earrings were still there and they weren't. I thought, oh well I couldn't afford them anyhow. Heh. Little did I know that Hubby had already gone in and bought them! I have to admit that it's pretty nice to be able to get jewelery at cost, it's amazing the mark up that most places put on that stuff.

Note: if you're not a jewelery nut, skip this part!

One example is the diamond in my wedding ring. Retail it's about $3000-$3500. It's 37 points, E-F in color and VVS1 for clarity and a beautifully cut marquise. Nice stone. About the top 3% in the fine gem market. I paid $1000 for it. Heh. I told Hubby that I want 3/4-1 carat for our 10th anniversary and he about shit his pants. But of course that will only cost about $5000 depending on the color and clarity. I'm kinda picky about that. :)

(/jewelery rant)

So that's about all that's been going on at the Katress house. Well, that and cleaning up puppy accidents. Any suggestions on how to get stains out of light carpeting? I've used Oxi-clean, my steam cleaner, Woolite carpet cleaner, generic cleaner, and still have faint stains. But the carpet is definitely germ-free now. I don't know how it couldn't be! But there's still light stains there. Oh, the wonders of poop.

That sounds really bad out of context, doesn't it?

Anyhow, happy Monday!

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