New Puppy!!! - (2003-01-31, 12:11 p.m.)

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Look at what we got last night!!!

Isn't he the cutest?

So now Daisy has a buddy. We haven't named him yet, but we hope to soon. I've been looking around online for a nice German Shepherd Boy Name (tm) but haven't been able to come up with anything.

We kind of did this on a whim...but we've been wanting a buddy for Daisy for a while. She was supposed to be Hubby's pup as Zeus was, but she turned into mine. "New Puppy" may not end up being Hubby's dog either, but he seems to be bonding quite well with Daisy. They have the best time running around the house and playing, jumping on each other and wrestling. They roll around outside in the snow, and she's dominant dog for certain.

He's going to be one big dog. He's got the biggest paws!!!

So now we have four cats and two dogs.

My house is so full of love!!! And I'm going to wear out the vacuum cleaner and the carpet cleaner before spring, I'm sure.

Happy Friday! If you have any suggestions for names, please let me know!

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