No Money More Problems - (2003-01-10, 9:45 a.m.)

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Not such a happy day in Katress-land. I mean, I work a short day at work today which is great as we're still not allowed overtime, but financial trouble seems to find us no matter what.

According to the state of ND, I make to much money to qualify Hubby for more than $700 of student loans. WTF? According to the state's calculations I should be able to contribute $10,000 towards his education per year. I repeat. WTF? I don't think so.

They also hold against us the fact that we don't live in married student housing on campus. Well, no as it would be more expensive to do so even if they DID have openings.

For some reason, ND is holding the GI Bill against Hubby as "income." Well, it's not taxable, and from the research that I've done, it shouldn't be considered financial aid either. It's money that he earned when he was active duty to help pay for school if he decided to go. Ever hear of the word incentive?

I'm so frustrated, I have no idea how we're going to pay for all this. A personal loan interest rate is at the present time 9.9%, so that's not really the way that we want to go. We already owe my parents money, the only other thing to do is ask FIL and Step MIL for a loan. They both have great jobs, and just bought a Lexus. Hopefully they'll be able to help us out.

It's just humiliating though. I'm 27 and he's 25 and here we are having to ask parents for money as the state of ND is so goofed up when it comes to financial aid it's not even funny.

We'll get through it somehow, we always do. We refinanced my car, and we would love to refinance our home but it's doubtful that anyone will touch a mobile home. Even if it IS new.

So we're stuck.

I knew getting that Harley was a bad idea, but he loves it so much and has such a great time with it that I don't dare suggest selling it. We would come out ahead on it, but the payments aren't really all that much per month.

Crap. I need to find a third job to get through all this garbage.

This just sucks.

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