Custom Design stuff and Busywork - (2003-01-09, 10:51 a.m.)

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My gosh, busy day today at work. And then someone wants us to take on more responsiblity? Don't know that we really can as we're understaffed and have all kinds of things going on anyhow. I guess my boss was in tears the other day as she's so frustrated with the amount of things that we have to accomplish and the fact that they won't approve the budget for one (much less two) more people to assist us. And of course it would take time to train them to understand all the stuff that we do.

Sometimes I marvel at how complicated my job is. I love it, and I guess I think I'm good at it as I've been told that I'm fair and impartial, but it is truly a lot of information.

Granted, I have binders full of information in my desk drawer and on my desk itself, plus stacks of stuff in my file tray, but it baffles me sometimes how much I have learned here in the last two plus years.

I know three reservation systems. Two of them very well. And most of the commands unfortunately don't make a whole lot of sense. Consider it another programming language, and each airline generally has their own. Well, I shouldn't say that, there's about five major reservation systems. And I know three of them. That's quite an accomplishment I think!

I do truly take pride in my work. I try to do the best that I can every day and make each day as productive as possible.

Maybe that's why I'm so tired?

Nah, it's probably because I've been so busy lately. Heh.

I have another custom design to do. I'm excited as she says that she loves my designs and has a basic theme picked out along with a graphic and I'm hoping to get started on it this weekend. It's also for someone that I like to read on a semi-regular basis, and I think she's a pretty fantastic person anyhow. So that's great news!

As soon as I can get my internet working better at home I have two valentines day designs to post too. They're adorable!

And I can tell that I have baby fever also as I've been inspired by a couple of mother/daughter pictures that I found around, and feel I must make something out of them. So I will.

That's about all for now, I have to get back to work!

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