Blahhhhhh! - (2003-01-13, 12:33 p.m.)

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Ugh. Here I sit at home with the stomach flu. I swear, I'm afraid to eat anything. I felt just awful yesterday afternoon and then in the evening I felt better. Then worse.

Scared to eat much more than crackers and toast. So I've been existing on crackers (both animal and wheatable) and dry toast. It's not all that bad, as I like all of the above, but I prefer my toast with a little butter and peanut butter or cinnamon at the least.

Hubby is just pissed at me. He's mad as he's been working a lot and I "just decide to be sick and call into work and that's it." He says that he feels like crap too but he can't call in sick. The thing is, he hardly ever admits to not feeling well. He had an awful cold here about a week ago, I just got a touch of it but that's all.

What in the world gives him the right to be upset with me for getting something that's been passed around the office? It's not like bolting to the bathroom and hoping that I make it is a fun passtime for me. I would rather feel just fine and be at work rather than not more than a room or two away from the bathroom at either end of my house.

He's being such a jerk.


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