Fixed Design! - (2003-01-03, 5:16 p.m.)

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There. Much better. Reliable hosting of images makes me much happier.

Very Valentiney, isn't it? I really like it. Even if it looks a bit funny in 1076x768. The image is such high quality it's a huge file anyhow, I just didn't dare enlarge it any more.

Good day at work today, very peaceful. There seems to be some agents that just don't give a you-know-what, and we're starting to work on the "weeding" process. Just because we have a lucrative account doesn't mean that there's 100% job security.

Frankly if I was treated as a customer as some of the agents are treating our customers I would NEVER do business with my company again. It's horrid! Not to mention the fact that the Corporate HQ can listen and see those calls. God forbid they pick one up or the poop will hit the chute! Then it's going to look like we as Quality Assurance haven't been doing our job.

Some days it's an uphill battle, you know?

This evening I got some great news too! Denise and her family are coming up to stay with us again for about a week as her hubby has a job up in this area again! I'm excited to see them to be sure. It's so much fun to have them up here.

I should be getting some other visitors as soon as we can make the arrangements too.

I love having company. I really do! It's just fun. We live out in the country, and even though it's not all that far we don't have many visitors. So I love me some company!

Anyhow, it's about that time. Hubby and I are going to have chicken from our new George Forman grill, and then sit down to watch movies. A nice, inexpensive evening!

Happy Friday, all.

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