Aaaccckkk! - (2003-01-03, 9:03 a.m.)

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Great. I'm at work, and for some reason my new images aren't showing up. They were last night! Dammit!

I'll have to re-upload this evening, and I'm sending them to my diaryland gold account as that seems to be much more reliable than Ranchoweb.

I put soooo much time into this last night, and I'm just frustrated now that they're not showing up. Dammit.

Anyhow, not much is going on. I'm finally looking forward to having some time this weekend to relax and get this design done and some scrapbooking. I have a beautiful album that I want to start on for the first years of our marriage.

On a completely different subject, we're freaking broke. I hate it. We have no money to do anything, and we're so in debt from Christmas that it's not even funny. I'm thinking about getting another job because I'm not getting enough hours at the jewelery store, and I don't know what else to do.

I hate this feeling, it's like I'm right back where we started when we first got married and didn't have much besides borrowed pots and pans, and old barracks furniture that had stains on it from God knows what. It's just so frustrating.

I'm going to quit whining now, even I've had enough of me today.

I'll load images again this evening. Check back to see a really cute design. I promise!

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