Scrapbooking--the addiction! - (2003-01-06, 11:56 a.m.)

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Another busy day at work. And it was a super busy weekend!

I got my Mom hooked on scrapbooking, and that has blossomed into a flat-out addiction for both of us. I finished putting together the album that I made for her and Dad for their vow renewal that they had this summer down in Sturgis, SD (yes, it was during the motorcycle rally) and it turned out wonderfully. They were both very pleased with it! Mom helped me with a couple of the pages, and...well...the next day we were at the scrapbooking store and a craft store where we bought enough supplies to do two rather large scrapbooks. I'm not going to tell you how much it cost, but holy crap! It's not the paper that's expensive, it's the paper-shapers and the tools that you use that really add up. But we got some really neat things.

We decided that we're going to put all of her geneology work together into scrapbook form. One for our family, and one for her brother's family-my uncle. All kinds of heritage paper, stickers and punches, and I'm just excited about them. They really add a lot to the completed look of the finished page, and the pages are turning out just beautifully!

We worked at my kitchen table for most of the afternoon and some of the evening yesterday and got lots of stuff done. We're getting better at it, and we're having a great time together.

So that was my weekend excitement! The internet was up and down, so for the most part I wasn't able to respond to email requests for designs, but never fear--I'm hoping that I'll be able to do it this evening. I finally took the time to actually burn my downloads from Kazzaa, so that's progress of some sort, right?

I'm going to possibly get a job at the local scrapbooking store too. She's looking for help, as of today she's been open a week and is already not able to keep things in stock. She had a much greater turnout than she expected, which is wonderful! Our area needed something like that, as Ben Franklin Crafts isn't all that you need sometimes. They've got cute stuff, but eh. This store carries really classy stuff, and of course that's the look that we're going for with a Family Tree scrapbook.

Mom's been working on geneology for about 10 years, and has contacts in Sweden and Norway that she's getting information from. So you can imagine the number of pictures and text that we're including in this book. It's going to be pretty comprehensive, so it's going to take us some time, but I'm excited about it as I'm learning all about my ancestors and about life in this area wayyyy before I've been around.

Kind of puts a new perspective on things.

So, that's what I've been up to. :)

Have a wonderful Monday!!!

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