Chaos Theory...or something - (2002-10-28, 5:59 p.m.)

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Nothing much new today. Just the standard bored at work and not challenged enough usual crapola. I swear, when you're in college or high school or even elementary school you've got your accelerated classes, right? Yeah, that's what I need. Some accelerated work. Or something.

It's getting colder here, and I'm thinking that because it's been such a cold and stormy October I may not be able to get all my garden clean up done this fall. It may have to wait until spring! But aacckk...I need to get burlap on my shrubs that I put in this summer as they're on the south side of our house and otherwise will get sunburnt with all the sun that we get in the winter. Strange, no? It's cold as hell in the winter, but it seems like most of the time it's really sunny. Go figure.

Oh, and just for the record regarding the Paul Wellstone situation. I think it's funny how Tom Daschle and the other area democrats are all ragging on Norm Coleman (R candidate for Senate) and Norm Coleman is not saying anything until Wednesday, which is when they announce the other candidate to replace Wellstone. Heh. What a bunch of jerks. And also another fyi. Planes crash around here seemingly more frequently than other places because we have a higher frequency of "sucky weather" if you will. It was storming out when his plane went down. It's not a conspiracy or anything. Sometimes things just happen.

I'm going to go take a shower.

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