Therapy, Juvenile and Radio - (2002-10-30, 7:18 a.m.)

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My appointment went well yesterday. Apparently, according to my therapist, I'm doing great, I've just been hit with some situational depression with all that's been going on with work b.s. and it's knocking me right back to where I had started when I was first diagnosed with depression earlier this year.

She also said that sometimes depression takes several years to run it's course. So I'm supposed to take time for me now, and not feel guilty about not accomplishing a ton of stuff like I used to do.

She actually told me that if I want to take some time off work that she would authorize it with the Family Medical Leave Act, so that it wouldn't jeapordize my job due to attendance.

I like her a lot, I felt very comfortable, and you can tell that she really cares. Which of course is a good sign. :) So we made plans to meet weekly, every Tuesday at 4 PM.

I found out last night that Juvenile and Petey Pablo are going to be at a local venue early next week. I'm excited to go! We're running pretty short on cash lately, but I just want to put it on the credit card. Hubby's not so sure. *sigh*

I wish that he would work more...rather than being out in the shop working on his Harley. Then perhaps we wouldn't have to worry so much about money. It's like all he does is work out in the shop. I know he's excited, but I can't be the only one with income, as we won't be able to pay our bills that way. Or have a savings account.

There's a new radio station in town too. It's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. They play about 4 measures of a song--anything from Moby to the Beach Boys--and then switch to the next song. I guess it would be great for "Name that Tune" but quite honestly I found it absolutely annoying. Something that I could only listen to if I had an attention span of about 15 seconds.

Who's idea was that crap? Do Americans have that horrible of an attention span? How do they pay for the radio station if they have no commercials?

I'm thinking I might just have to call them this afternoon just to satisfy my curiosity. Or maybe I won't.

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